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Why Salem?

Background History

Salem Rescue Centre stands as a living testament to the unwavering devotion of the late Pastor Julius Wangombe and his beloved wife, Tabitha. For many years, this faithful couple dedicated their lives to serving Elohim across the Rift Valley, ministering in regions such as Narok, Kericho, Nyahururu, and Nakuru. Their hearts overflowed with compassion, driven by a profound sense of purpose. In her youth, Tabitha volunteered as a nurse, caring for the sick and elderly with tenderness and love. Her outreach didn’t stop there—she also took to the streets, offering food and hope to homeless children while sharing the gospel. Her kind and nurturing spirit was evident in every action, mirroring the divine love she carried within her. Meanwhile, Pastor Julius, a passionate missionary, brought the message of Yahshua to even the most remote corners of the Maasai communities in Narok, always guided by a tireless commitment to spreading the word of God.

In 2005, after moving to Nairobi, Pastor Julius established Salem Learning Centre, a school that would soon become the cornerstone of an even greater mission. Shortly thereafter, the couple welcomed three children into their home—two boys and one girl—who had tragically lost their parents to HIV/AIDS. This act of compassion became the foundation upon which Salem Rescue Centre would be built. In the aftermath of the 2007 post-election violence in Kenya, many children were left orphaned, abandoned, and in desperate need of care. Pastor Julius and Tabitha felt a divine call to expand their mission, leading to the establishment of Salem Rescue Centre. It quickly became a refuge for not only the initial three children but many others seeking safety, love, and hope.

Through the grace of Yahweh, what began with three children grew exponentially—first to ten, then twenty, and beyond. Each new arrival strengthened the faith and resolve of Pastor Julius and Tabitha. By 2009, they were renting a modest home in Githurai 44 for Kshs. 25,000 a month, but by 2015, their perseverance was rewarded as they acquired their own property. Every step of their journey has been marked by God's providence and blessings.

Though Pastor Julius passed away in 2013, Tabitha courageously carried on their shared vision, supported by her children. Under her leadership, Salem Rescue Centre has continued to thrive. Despite the absence of government funding, the centre flourishes through the generosity of friends, partners, and supporters whose kindness and contributions have surpassed all expectations. Today, Salem Rescue Centre, under the directorship and counseling of Tabitha Wangombe, remains a shining beacon of hope and love, touching the lives of countless children and inspiring all who come into contact with its mission.

Salem Rescue Centre has its headquarter in Ruiru along the Eastern Bypass and a sub branch in Juja Weteithie.

Love, Peace & Hope


Meet our Administrative Team

Mrs. Tabitha Wang'ombe - Director

Mr. Aaron Gachanja - Manager

Bishop P.G. Kihara - Supporting Partner

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